Principal’s name/business name:
Principal’s personal identification code/registry code:
Address/location of principal:
Means of communication of the principal (phone, email, web):
Power of attorney
With this power of attorney, the Principal grants the following authorization to Urmas Arumäe (personal identification code: 35701010210) to the legal advisor of the company Arumäe & Andresson Õigusbürood OÜ: Urmas Arumäe, Legal Adviser of Arumäe Õigusbürood OÜ, is authorized to represent the Principal in all legal matters before courts and administrative authorities with all rights provided by law to the petitioner, plaintiff, defendant, third party, accused and victim, including the right to submit submissions and claims to waive the claim, to rectify the claim, to change the subject matter of the claim, to enter into an agreement, to appeal against the judgment, to submit a writ of execution, to recover and to accept the confiscated property and money. In order to achieve the aforementioned objectives, the representative shall have the right to take any measures and actions that he or she deems necessary to achieve the objectives set out in the power of attorney (Authorisation).
In order to achieve the aforementioned objectives and to fulfill the Order, the representative has the right to take any measures and perform such actions as he or she deems necessary to achieve the objectives specified in the power of attorney.
This power of attorney is valid until the execution of the order/authorization, but not longer than three years.